Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Jackie Gayda [RF Video Shoot Interview]

The Good
Other than trainers and brief interviews with Tough Enough participants, I've never heard an in-depth look at the show. Jackie, who was a co-winner of Tough Enough II, proved to be a decent talent, but simply never worked that much. The look at TE from a participant's perspective was really different and with a fifth season in the works, it was interesting to think about the production and storytelling that actually goes on. Jackie seems like a very down to Earth person who got curious about pro-wrestling because she was athletic and interested in broadcasting and production. It makes sense that she, a fitness model type, would be brought up too soon, but for whatever reason she was simply dumped after a year and a half on the main roster (along with new husband Charlie Haas). Although her time in business was brief and her actual knowledge is limited, Jackie Gayda's distinct entrance into the sport is one worth exploring.

The Bad
Jackie Gayda career was the proverbial "cup of coffee." From the time she was on Tough Enough II to when she ended her regular involvement with TNA is only five years! Yes, she won the show. Yes, she had a couple runs on WWF TV. But is she really worthy of an extensive shoot? A large portion of this focuses on her experiences with TE2 and even her try-out for the first Tough Enough. Very little TNA is discussed. OVW is talked about as a training ground and there is not much focus on angles or things along that line, which is typical RF Video lack of knowledge.

The Rating: ***1/4

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